The film was accepted in Tetouan International Mediterranean Film Festival in Morocco. In order to screen it there we had to transfer the film to a digital cinema package or in other words "DCP". Since we have applied for other funds to be able to transfer it but never got accepted, we had no choice but to try it ourselves. Like everything else in the process of making this film, we started learning about how to transfer the film to DCP using open source programs like OpenDCP. It seemed like an easy process but the problem was in testing the DCP itself. During this time we tried to get in touch with the manager of Aroma which is a very famous company here in Egypt for post-production services, with the help of our dear friend Maysoon El Massry. Luckily he agreed to offer us a DCP copy without any money. All he needed was to write "the film is transferred to DCP with the support of Aroma" before the film's final credits which seemed fair enough and now we have a DCP copy for the film :)
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