The film was screened last Friday in Luxor African Film Festival as it was competing for the feature film award. It was the film's Egyptian and African premiere and it was disappointing because of the festival's lack of organization. First of all the film's information and the directors' names were wrong in the festival's catalogue !! The film was supposed to be screened twice; first in a city called El-Tod and then in Luxor but the 2nd screening's location was wrong in the festival's printed and online programme. We had to ask the organizers to print some announcements with the right information and post them with the film's poster all over the place to make sure people know when and where the screening is taking place. Luckily we had some post cards so we tried to invite people to the screening.
The film's post cards in LAFF 2014
We really wanted to go to the film's first screening but we were very surprised that there were no shuttles or cars to transport us to El-Tod which was one hour away so we couldn't go !! But we did go to the 2nd screening and it was ok. There were problems in the film's audio but at least people showed up.
The film is being screened in LAFF 2014
The 6 directors and the editor Islam Kamal in the Q&A after the screening
We do know that all these issues were not intentional and since this is just the festival's 3rd edition, we do hope that the upcoming editions will be better and more organized. Other than the film's screening we all had a great time in the city of Luxor. The best thing about this festival was the fact that some of the film's crew managed to travel with us. Sameh Nabil, Samir Nabil, Islam Kamal, Mark Lotfy, Mina Nabil THANK YOU.