After more than a year of working on the music, Anna Drubich finally recorded it in Hyperion Studio in LA in the US. Then she sent us the files via dropbox and now it's Samir Nabil's job to mix them with the film's audio. Like many of our dear crew, Anna has been there since the beginning when the film was divided into 6 segments. Back then we worked on the music of each segment as a separate short film but with a common theme between the 6 of them. Then when the segments were combined together later resulting in one film, we had to work on the music all over again.
The final music was played by Anna herself on piano, Evgeny Tonkha on cello, Nathan Matthew David on guitar and Leo Chelyapov on both accordion and duduk. Anna also had to record their names for us as well so that we write them correctly in Arabic in the film's final credits. Luckily all the Russian sounds that sound unfamiliar in English existed in Arabic :)
Anna with Nathan in the recording session
Leo Chelyapov is playing on duduk
Evgeny Tonkha and his cello
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